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Pr. Natacha Bessis

Pr. Natacha Bessis

Natacha Bessis p

Directrice adjointe INSERM 1125

Enseignant chercheur

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Phone : +33148387302
Fax +33148388893

1. Titles

  • Accreditation to direct research (HDR) (2003)
  • PhD of  Immunology, summa cum laude (René Descartes University (Paris 5), 1997).
  • Master of Cellular  Biology with optional immunology (UPMC “Pierre et Marie Curie University” (Paris 6), 1992)

2. Professional duties

  • Since 2006: Professor, USPN
  • Since 2014: Deputy director INSERM UMR 1125
  • Since 2025: Director Ecole Doctorale 146 Galilée

3. Scientific societies

  • Member of the French Societies for: Immunology, Rheumatology,  Cell and Gene Therapy, and of the European Society of Gene and Cell Therapy
  • Member of the Scientific Comitee of ARTHRITIS-Courtin Foundation (2005-2009; 2016-2020)

4. Research focuses

  • Chronic inflammation
  • autoimmune diseases
  • Cytokine
  • Lymphocyte regulation (Tregs, NKT)
  • Experimental models of arthritis
  • Gene therapy
  • Mode of action of targeted treatments and biotherapies.

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